Commemorating half a decade of exemplary achievements at Malvern College Hong Kong

Posted on 24th May 2024 in School News, International Education, International Schools, Hong Kong

The fifth anniversary of Malvern College Hong Kong provides a fitting occasion for the school community to reflect upon the many accomplishments achieved over these past years.

The MCHK journey began with a ground-breaking ceremony in April 2016 and has since burgeoned into a well-regarded institution with a student body of nearly 1,000 pupils. This growth has been paralleled by the expansion of the Malvern College International network, which now encompasses ten schools across six locations, including Hong Kong, Switzerland, and Tokyo (with the latter scheduled to open its doors in August 2023).

Outstanding Academic Performance and Global University Offers

Throughout the 2022-23 academic year, MCHK pupils have distinguished themselves with exceptional scholastic performances. The three Middle Years Programme (MYP) cohorts who have completed the MYP E-assessment have achieved scores significantly surpassing the world average. Concurrently, the first cohort of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP) pupils have achieved outstanding results. An impressive 50% scored 40 points or higher, with the highest individual score of 44 points out of 45. The overall average score was 39.4 points, well above the world average of 30.24 points. Pupils have displayed remarkable potential, obtaining offers from top universities worldwide, such as Imperial College London, King’s College London, and the University of Hong Kong. The acceptance of one pupil into the prestigious World Bachelor in Business Programme, a joint endeavour between The University of Southern California, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Bocconi University, further underscores the high calibre of MCHK graduates.

Fostering Entrepreneurship and Holistic Development

As an institution that ascribes considerable importance to the holistic development of its pupils, MCHK has continued to provide ample opportunities for growth in sports, arts, music, and community service. The school offers a diverse range of activities, including the annual House Music Competition, the Malvern Peak Walk, the Malvern Arts Festival, and the Inter-House Sports Competitions. These events foster a sense of camaraderie and team spirit among pupils, while simultaneously encouraging the development of well-rounded individuals.

Furthermore, the recently instituted Passion for Projects Award celebrates pupils who have demonstrated exceptional entrepreneurial skills and have successfully established business or charitable organisations. In tandem with the Entrepreneurial Society, which supports younger pupils in cultivating their entrepreneurial talents and initiatives, MCHK endeavours to create an environment that nurtures innovation and enterprise.

The MCHK curriculum, modelled after the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, emphasises a comprehensive approach to education. This framework enables pupils to develop critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills, which will serve them well in their future endeavours. The school takes pride in its strong pastoral care system, which ensures that pupils receive the support they need to flourish both academically and personally. Through regular communication with parents and the wider school community, MCHK fosters a nurturing environment for all pupils.

Gratitude for Leadership, Staff, and Family Support

The impressive achievements of MCHK may be attributed to the unwavering dedication and hard work of its leadership team, teachers, support staff, and families. It is particularly pertinent to pay tribute to Dr Robin Lister, the founding headmaster, who has been instrumental in laying the solid foundation upon which MCHK's future development will be built. With over 26 years of experience at Malvern College UK, Dr Lister has brought invaluable expertise to MCHK and will continue to contribute to its success as he shifts focus to the institution's regional development.

The Launch of the Signature Programme and Future Endeavours

Looking forward, MCHK is delighted to announce its collaboration with Malvern College International on various programmes for pupils and staff. Among these initiatives is the new Signature Programme, which seeks to identify the passions of pupils at an early stage and utilise these interests to create individualised support programmes. These tailored curricula will not only enrich each pupil's learning experience but also serve to enhance their future applications to elite universities and programmes.

In addition to the Signature Programme, MCHK has established exchange programmes with other Malvern schools, allowing pupils to broaden their horizons and gain valuable international exposure. These initiatives, alongside the school's ongoing commitment to fostering a nurturing and supportive environment, will provide MCHK pupils with an even more robust platform for success in the years to come.

As the Malvern College Hong Kong community commemorates its numerous achievements over the past five years, it is with great anticipation that they look towards an even brighter future, replete with continued success and growth. With a solid foundation in place and a commitment to excellence in both academics and personal development, MCHK is poised to further solidify its reputation as a leading educational institution.

This article first appeared in the 2023/24 edition of John Catt's Guide to International Schools, which you can read here: