An international school education gives students the skills to succeed in a global society

Posted on 23rd Apr 2024 in School News, International Education, International Schools

Leipzig International School considers how a cultural education sets students on a pathway to success in school and beyond.

At an international school, students learn to accept and appreciate other cultural views and customs. They can acquire the ability to bridge cultural and language barriers, work with people from different backgrounds to solve complex problems, and feel comfortable in different environments. In international schools, students learn about different perspectives and experiences and the importance of open-mindedness, acceptance and diversity. Through cultural education, students are encouraged to reflect on their own perspectives and values while learning to see things from the perspective of others. In addition to invaluable lessons in cultural understanding, students gain deeper insight into their own beliefs and traditions by engaging with those of other backgrounds.

Here at Leipzig International School we provide a unique opportunity for our young learners to gain cultural understanding and appreciation. It is through cultural education, open discussion, and intercultural understanding, that our students gain the skills to be more informed, critically-thinking, and tolerant global citizens.

We pride ourselves on being a multicultural and international community committed to instilling values of inclusion, courage and pride in our learners. Our values help students to become aware of their own cultural identity while learning to respect the diversity of others.

Inclusivity means actively celebrating diversity while promoting dignity and respect for all. At our school, we are proud to offer our learners a global curriculum that includes cultural education. Our diverse student body from different countries and cultures adds to the richness of our school life and creates a unique platform for learning through intercultural understanding. The holistic curriculum of LIS is designed to help bring this knowledge to life in the classroom. The study of culture and foreign languages provides our students with a broad understanding that makes them conscious, critical and reflective global citizens.

Our three values courageous, inclusive and proud, are particularly expressed through our international focus. We are proud of the achievements of every student, big or small, regardless of their background, and value diversity of cultures, experiences and perspectives. Our learners often demonstrate courage through their willingness to try something new and take risks as they engage with other cultures and challenging social issues. After all, we are an inclusive school community that strives to create a space where every student can feel safe and comfortable, and where everyone's voice is heard and valued, regardless of their background.

Cultural education equips our students to understand and appreciate cultural differences instead of clinging to old stereotypes. Through dialogue and open discussion, our students learn to think critically about different philosophies and practices. This approach teaches our young learners to be aware of other cultures, to be compassionate and to be tolerant.

Finally, cultural education fosters courage in our students. Different learning styles or unfamiliar cultural practices can be challenging for our learners, but cultural education encourages them to overcome such differences and find strength in their diversities.

This article first appeared in the 2023/24 edition of John Catt's Guide to International Schools, which you can read here: