Dame Annette Brooke revisits Talbot Heath

Posted on 14th Mar 2018 in School News

Last Friday, Talbot Heath had the honour of welcoming former TH teacher, Dame Annette Brooke DBE, who gave an insightful assembly on her life as a Liberal Democrat MP. This was explored further with particular students in a focus group as part of National Careers Week. 

Dame Annette'’s responses to the students’ probing questions were honest and candid. Although now retired, students were given the opportunity to understand her time in the House of Commons and tackling the male-dominated Parliament. Discussions included sexism in the workplace and standing out when delivering speeches, she also discussed current issues such as lack of housing, and the government’s controversial plans to build within the green belt. 

Dame Annette’s responses to the students’ questions were considerate and there was a thorough understanding of people’s concerns and opinions. A student stated that, ‘She changed my idea of MP; she seemed really passionate about wanting to do good, positive things for the country.’

The visit formed part of an excellent week of events organised for students by Jacinta Collins, Head of Careers at Talbot Heath. Careers week began with a senior school assembly, where Tara Flynn, former TH pupil and COO of technology company Ratio, talked about opportunities for work in Bournemouth and Employability Skills. 

In advance of International Women’s Day the TH Girl Up club presented Wednesday’s dramatic assembly about Gender Parity, and former Talbot Heath pupil, Emily Bolden, from Inspire Financial Services, spoke to the sixth form on Thursday morning, about Finding a Graduate Job and Why Maths?

Cyber Crime Protection Advisor from Dorset Police, Mr Jake Moore, also gave an enlightening talk to girls at the end of the week, about Careers for Girls in Cyber Security. Mr Moore advised students to ‘stand out from the crowd’ through their use of initiative, social media and personal skills; however, he also stressed to students the need for robust cyber security.

It was a very informative and inspiring week for the girls and particular thanks go to Miss Collins for organising and overseeing these events.